

At Shepherds Hill we naturally take every care to ensure that our policies and procedures comply one hundred percent with the statutory requirements and best practice guidelines set out by the Early Years Foundation Stage. We have spent time ensuring that our policies work equally well for the children, the nursery staff and for parents. Whilst it is impossible to please all of the people all of the time, we hope we have created policies that will suit most of the people, most of the time.

All of our policies and proceedures can be access from the links below and are contained in a folder in the nursery, and a duplicate copy is held in the office. These folders are available to parents on request. A summary of our key policies is also contained within the "Parents' Pack" which is issued to all new parents, and is also available in the "Parents' Zone" section of this website.

We review our policies on an ongoing basis and always welcome comments and suggestions in person, by email, via the Communications Books that are issued for each child or through the suggestion box in reception.

Another key area of consideration at Shepherds Hill is that of regular risk assessments. Our nursery strives to give the children as many real life experiences as possible. The real world is full of situations that children need to be aware of, without being frightened by them. We also belive that to live without risk is to live only half a life, and so we aim to introduce children to the idea of taking risks in a safe environment. We manage this by performing appropriate risk assessments so that the children can enjoy a wide variety of activities whilst staying safe.
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