We want our nursery to be your nursery, to reflect the way you want your children to be cared for. We actively seek to develop an effective partnership with you to deliver this kind of care. Once you have registered with us you will be matched with a key person, who will then arrange a mutually convenient appointment to meet with you and your child.
This allows you all to get to know one another a little better before your start date. During this meeting you can discuss a settling in plan that will best suit you and your child, so that their introduction to our nursery is as fun and comfortable as possible. This will be the beginning of what we hope will be a strong, positive relationship lasting until your child moves onto 'big school'!
Parents and key persons communicate both face-to-face (during drop-offs and pick-ups), by telephone (should you have any urgent questions or concerns) and through the Communications Books issued for each child. These books are used by staff to inform parents what activities their child has been engaged in each day, what they have eaten and what current themes are running. Parents are also encouraged to write in the Communication Books, for example to give feedback on nursery activities or to provide information about their child's latest interests, learning developments, or family news etc.
Throughout your time with us as a parent you will have the opportunity to meet with your key person on a regular basis to discuss what your child is doing at nursery. We will invite you to open evenings, curriculum meetings, information evenings, parents' forums and nursery parties.